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Sunday, February 22, 2009

What is The Most Important Widget Pages for Blogger..?


Your webmaster search is: blogger widget must have Pages

1. About Page : Many a times, visitor (more than what you’ve written) would like to know about you especially when they like your posts. You need not go in details – Just a short biography about yourself is enough to be known by reader.

2. Form or way to contact : To contact you personally then let it be a request, query or something else; you should have a contact form on your blog. Wordpress hosted blogs can have variety of such plugins and other platform can manage to find alternative or simply leave your Email ID.

3. Disclaimer or Legal Notice : In many countries, it is essential to make it known what is done with data provided. This generally includes information about “Privacy policy” and other things which may according to the country.

4. Clear Indication of License for Content : This page is not as essential because if not specifies- your content will be always under traditional copyright Licensening. It means nothing can be done without prior permission from you (Author)


5. Search box – It is most essential thing on any webpage which facilitates user to find information on your blog. Using Adsense search box can also make money for you.

6. Category and Tag-Cloud – Categories and Tags are very helpful in finding or navigating any specific topic or keyword on the blog. Tag function is however not available on Blogger platform but still Category widget is always appreciated. Archive according to the period would also solve the purpose of better navigation

7. Subscription Links (by RSS or Email) : It is highly recommended to give vistors two options to subscribe your articles. This helps keeping in touch with new updates on yourblog. You can also provide specific feed aggregator’s link to directly add in his account.

8. Blogroll : It shows the interest of author in various fields. It can also show list of similar sites and index of resource documents.

9. Links to other sites you own : If you own more than one website, it should be told to visitors of your blog. You should be the first promotor of your work.

10. Social Network Connectivity : You probably be having your account on Twitter / Facebook, etc. then don’t hide yourslef. Expose it so that visitor can connect you elsewhere on web and it also helps in increasingblog traffic.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

How to add Related Posts widget in Blogger blogs


If you are searching for a blog widget which help you display the related post on your post footer then you are on right place. I have found some real cool widgets for Blogger blogs which can be added to blogger blogs with ease. These widgets are of great use as the reader spends more time reading your blog and you get the maximum benefit. They are the best way to make reader explore your blog in easy way.

Some of the best assorted widgets are below, so check them out :

How to add Related Posts widget in Blogger blogs

1. Linkwithin Widget :

linkexaple You can go to and get this widget by filling up your Email, Web address , your blogging platform and the number of posts you want to show up. No sign-up is required, just fill up the details and you will see a new page opened with complete instructions on how to install on your blog.

1.1 In the first step click on install widget.

blogger window
1.2 A blogger window will open then click on add widget.

1.3 That’s it now the widget is added on your blog layout .

1.4 Just move it to the post footer and click on save, now the widget should be visible on your post footer.

2. Blogger Widget :

This widget is from, it will also display the post the same way Linkwithin widget did. It’s based on displaying the posts accrording to the blogger labels that is the posts related to the same labels are displayed only. This widget is added by editing the html code of your blog. To start applying it open up Edit Html of your blogger blog by signing in to the blogger. Click on the Expand widgets template to open the complete template. Now you have to search for some code and then copy and paste the widget code into the template. You can follow the post here . Just like the linkwithin widget you can also set the maximum number of post to be displayed by changing the value in this line of code :

var maxresults=5;

So these were the two widgets with thumbnails, there are also other widgets which display only text links to the related posts but I think they do not have much impact on the reader as the ones with thumbnails is more attractive.

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Monday, February 9, 2009

Want The Best Of Blogger?


Want The Best Of Blogger? Use Blogger In Draft!

Hi, I was thinking about how fantastic the Blogger platform is and realized that many people have no idea that Blogger has a enhanced dashboard platform area. A simple little trick to get all the latest beta blogger devices and changes before they become permanent is to use Blogger in draft.

Blogger has a platform called Blogger In Draft! Just use this link and if you have an account with Blogger then you can use this new dash board either permanently or temporarily, as you chose. This is a great way to get the edge on competitors in the blogging field. So do not get left behind get the full blogger experience. The Blogger in Draft Blog!

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

5 Most Needed Blogger Widgets


Blogger Widgets enhance the look and feel and functionality of the blog. 5 Recommended Blogger Widgets:

5 Most Needed Blogger Widgets

1. Headline Animator

Headline Animator
This animated widget displays recent post titles in form of headlines and plus it enhances the look of the blog. This widget can be added by joining Click the publicize tab and you will see a list which includes the headline animator

2. Share Button

Share Buttons are good for social bookmarking and help your increase the readership.
There are two Buttons
AddThis Widget
Share Button
Share Widget
AddThis Button
One is from Addthis and Other is Share. Both are equally good but i prefer the share button.It has 39 optional web services to choose from and also others straight away post their content in various social websites.
Link: Share Button , Addthis Button
3. Feedjit
Feedjit Widget
Feedjit gives you live traffic update and shows where readers are coming from and from which site.
Link: Feedjit Widget

4. Clustrmaps

Clustrmaps Widget
Clustrmaps shows the reader locations on a map.
Link: Clustrmaps Widget

5. Ratings(stars)

Star Rating Widget
This is my personal favourite because it is very useful. It is a very cool widget. It acts a feedback system and you get to know how people feel about your blog. Though blogger has come up with reactions but it still doesn’t have ratings in it. Also it has some good additional features such as Related Posts and Most Popular Posts which are available only on registration.
Link: Ratings Widget

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