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Thursday, March 18, 2010

5 Blogging Secrets For A Successful Blog


Here are 5 Blogging Secrets For A Successful Blog, a few tips that I have learnt over the past few months that I been blogging. I think these steps are important for maintaining and keeping the momentum going new blogs. If I say they’re secrets, you’ll treasure them more, but the thing is, I share this with you daily. I do it right in front of you. But just this once, I’ll slow it down, and walk through it  ll. Fair?

1. Drafts.
Make drafts of your future posts, collect data and information related to the post and keep working on them. One of  the reasons most blogs fail or lose an audience is that they fail to to post consistently. Having a  unch drafts helps you when you run out of ideas and keeps you organized.

2. Become A Feed Ninja.
Read more post less. While you might not be Scoble and have the ability to read 600+ RSS feeds in a few hours, try to  keep track of news around your niche and interests, blogs catch up on news faster than news sites. Reading will also help to give you more ideas for your next post. Practice makes you perfect.

3. Engage Users And Build Relationships
I have subscribed to every reader who has left a meaningful comment on my blog this helps me get to know my readers better and what they expect from my blog. Use Services like cocomments etc to keep track of  comments.

4. Be Available And Accessible.
One of the key things of building relationships is to be easily accessible. I have added most of my regular reader on Gtalk and chat with some of the frequently (you can add me ajacob[at] I’ve helped some of them out when they ask me for help or advice.

5. Break News, Write Pillar Posts.
If you follow point 1 and 2 you’ll realize there are two types of post you can do. Break news or write Pillar post. Breaking news is hard you’ll need to watch your Rss feeds like a hawk, it has a few advantages, if its important news it will get picked up easily by other blogger. Writing Pillar post will make your article sticky, most of the traffic that I get are from my pillar posts.

What Are Pillar Posts? Source DailyBlogTips

Characteristics of pillar articles:

  • they are longer posts
  • usually above 750 words
  • they offer a clear value to the reader
  • their content is timeless
  • their content is original and unique
  • they outline the expertise of the writer around a specific topic
  • they attract links from other bloggers
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Controversy Concerning "Servicing" of Structured Settlement Payments


Servicing of structured settlement payments occurs when a structured settlement payee sells only a portion of their future structured settlement payment rights, yet concurrent with the transfer, the factoring company also enters into an agreement to "service" the structured settlement payments that have not been sold. In "servicing" practice, one check is made payable to the factoring company instead of one to the factoring company and one to the payee. The factoring company receives the entire structured settlement payment, when due from the annuity issuer, takes what is owed to it and "passes through" the balance to the payee. This involves issuing a separate check to the payee issued off the factoring company account.
Further it has been alleged that annuity issuers will not address questions of payees whose payments are subject to a servicing agreement. Some factoring industry commentators suggest the reason for this phenomenon is that some structured annuity issuers will not "split" annuity payments (i.e. make payments to more than one place)ostensibly to save administrative cost. Others say that the practice is driven by the factoring companies simply as a means to secure new business. Several industry commentators have expressed concerns questioned whether such servicing agreements are in the structured settlement payee's "best interest".

What they say needs to be addressed is what effect the bankruptcy of a factoring company "servicing company" would have on the payee, with respect to the payments being serviced. Until this issue is decided, payees who are considering partial structured settlement transfers should be wary about participating in "servicing agreements". One possible solution has been suggested-that there be a requirement that servicing companies post a bond.
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Earn Money Just For Commenting


dollar earn money for commenting Earn money an Get payd more just for commenting. This is not somethings new for some people but even so it would not hurt if I tell that there are another ways to earn money that is possible for most people who not really know, this way can be used as an alternative way to earn additional money and spent a little time just for commenting. Actually not just a comment task we can get the benefits but there are also other forms of task that we can run, and of course these tasks is calculated based on credit, for 1 credit is equals $ 0.01, or 100 credit is equal  $1. And of course every task has a credit score that can range from 1,10,50,100,150 credits.

To cash your money you need or have collected at least 2000 credits or equal to $ 20.

Here are all the ways you can currently earn Credits …

  • Rate a Review or another users’ comment 1 Credit
  • Grade a Product, Service, Person or Biz-Opp 10 Credits
  • Add your own comment to any review 50/100/150 Credits + *Bonus*
  • Suggest a new product, service, etc. for review 100 Credits
  • Refer another user to IM Report Card Whatever THEY earn!

What You Need To Get Started :

  • USA Account to get approved and if you are come from a fraudulent country you will be reject, so that to get approve use FREE USA VPN service before register.
  • Register here at (ref)
  • Once you get approve, set your profil page.
  • Read and understand
  • English And Grammatical when Commenting
  • Paypal to cash your money

How much you can earn through :

Well it will depend on your skills in making comment (read the rule how to post a comment), because only by commenting you can earn huge credits between 50/100/150 or suggest some sites to review. It usually take about 1 day for your comment to get approve or reject but it also can be fast. Make sure your comment is over than 100 words (follow the rule) and dont get your comment  rejected by many times or your account will be deleted.

let us assume that we can make 5 comment every day and each comments is approved and give about 50 credits each, then 5 * 0.50 = $ 2.5 per day, and if it was done for 30 days then $ 2.5 * 30 = $ 75.

It is a simple calculation, and every one of us can produce different results, depending on the comments we have made and credits given for our comments. and if you can make 10 to 20 comments a day and all of them accepted, then you can calculate yourself how much money you earn.

So, if you think this is worth to try, than register now……, this is worth to find a capital for your online business somethings like buying hosting or domain name or anyother you like.

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